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"Egypt will send gifts of precious metals. Ethiopia will stretch out her hands to God in adoration"

Psalm 68:31

Black History Month 2020 Resources


Seeking to follow Jesus we are a church that does not discriminate in any way on grounds of age or physical ability, nationality or colour, economic power, gender, sexuality or mental health. We believe in a church that welcomes and serves everyone in the name of Jesus Christ, that is scripturally faithful, seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation, and in the power of the Holy Spirit allows all people to grasp how wide and long, and high and deep is the love of God.


With this in mind, we have pulled some resources together in one place for you to consider this Black History Month. Suggesting them is not an endorsement but it is an opportunity for listening and learning as we continue to love one another.





Why I’m no Longer Talking to White People About Race – Reni Eddo-Lodge


Me and White Supremacy – Layla F Saad


So You Want to Talk About Race - Ijeoma Oluo


We Need to Talk About Race – Ben Lindsay


The Good Immigrant - Nikesh Shukla


Roots – Alex Haley


How to Argue with a Racist – Adam Rutherford


BECOMING – Michelle Obama


White Fragility - Robin DiAngelo


Noughts and Crosses - Malorie Blackman


Slay in Your Lane – Yomi Adegoke


White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son – Tim Wise


Brit(ish): On Race, Identity and Belonging - Afua Hirsch


White Fragility: Why It’s Soo Hard for White People to Talk About Race – Robin DiAngelo


How to be Anti-Racist – Ibram X. Kendi


Why Are All the Black Kids Siting Together in the Cafeteria? – Beverly Daniel Tatum




Films/TV Series:


Black is King


Fruit Vale Station


When They See us




Dear White People


Time: The Kalief Browder story


Explained: The racial wealth gap


Sitting in Limbo – BBC1




The Secret life of Bees


Do the Right Thing


Boyz N the hood




12 Years a Slave


The Hate U Give


Hidden Figures


If Beale Street Could Talk


Black Panther




Dear White People


Queen & Slim


A United Kingdom


All Day and a Night






About Race - Reni Eddo-Lodge


Code: Switch NPR – “Hosted by journalists of colour, our podcast tackles the subject of race head-on.” Explores everything from pop culture, to politics, to sport. Race impacts every part of life.


Momentum: A Race Forward – Features movement voices, stories, and strategies for racial justice.


Intersectionality Matters! – Intersectionality Matters! is a podcast hosted by Kimberlé Crenshaw, an American civil rights advocate and a leading scholar of critical race theory.


Nova Reid and Vicki & Selina from loveprojectlove – A powerful conversation about race, racism and white privilege with Nova Reid


All My Relations hosted by Matika Wilbur


Witness Black History' by BBC World - This podcast features interviews with people who were there at key moments in black and civil rights history.


Slay In Your Lane: The Podcast - This new podcast by Yomi Adegoke and Elizabeth Uviebinené, who wrote the book “Slay In Your Lane”, looks at the news and pop culture from a black British woman’s perspective.






Black Minds Matter is raising money to support black people struggling with their mental

health during this particularly triggering time for the community. The money will go towards

linking black families and individuals with black therapists and provide free sessions for those in




The Exist Loudly set up by youth worker and activist Tanya Compas to support Queer Black young people in London and across the country.



Show Racism the Red Card is an anti-racist educational charity providing workshops, training sessions, multimedia packages and a whole host of other resources to tackle racism throughout society. You can support the charity in a variety of ways, including making a donation or volunteering.



Runnymede is the UK’s leading independent race equality think tank, which challenges race inequality in Britain through research, network building, leading debates and policy engagement. A donation to Runnymede will help them to continue conducting research and engaging with policy makers to make long lasting change.



The Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust was set up in the light of Stephen Lawrence’s murder in a racist attack in 1993. The charity works with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds aged 13-30 to inspire and enable them to succeed in the career of their choice, in the hope that the UK will become a place where everyone has the opportunity to achieve.



Stand Up to Racism is a nationwide movement which aims to tackle the influx of discriminatory rhetoric across the world and demand a society where racism is no more.


Head to: for more information and resources.

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