Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ
- Galatians 6:2
We try to make it very easy for everyone to hear and see the services; we have invested in good quality microphones for speakers, singers and musical instruments to try to ensure nothing is missed. If you are offered a microphone please do use it, even if you have the a loud (or teacher’s) voice as this allows those in the sound proof crèche, those with hearing aids and those listening to the recording to hear you also. The sound desk and laptop are operated by two people each week; if you would like to be trained to join use the Audio Visual systems then please speak to one of the musicians or sound desk operators for details.
Hearing Aid
For those who wear a hearing aid; there is a sound loop operational in most of the church, including the chapel, Fillebrook Room and Concourse. This has been tested and does work but please ask if you are having any difficulty hearing.There is also a portable hearing loop which can be used in other rooms in the church, please ask if you would like to use this.
Words for all songs appear on the screens located around the church. If the words are too small for you to read please let someone know as we do have hymn books (including large print) available and we can print off the words for any songs. We are also able to email song lyrics and readings to you before the service if you need to print them in braille or see a translation in another language.
Sign Language And Braille
The church does not currently provide information in sign language or braille but please enquire if you are interested in this. We can email words before the service and you are welcome to use sign language during the service. Guide dogs and other service dogs are welcome in our church.
If you believe there is more we can do to make worship accessible for you please tell us.