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Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them

- Mark 10:14

Children’s Worship

On the first Sunday of every month and at special Christian Festivals we hold an all age family service where we worship together as a whole family. Other weeks we spend part of the service together and part of the service in age specific groups where the young people go out to Junior Church.


While we are all together the services are designed to be interactive and accessible to all ages; they may include drama, dance, quizzes, video clips or interactive stories. Parents of under 3’s can use the crèche facility for all or part of the service.


During the songs we encourage all those who are children of God to praise him by waving flags and banners or playing percussion instruments. We do all we can to ensure that worship is a creative experience for all.



Sunday creche

The church has a purpose built crèche located off the main worship area allowing parents to feed or play with small children during the services. The double glazed windows with optional blinds allow parents to see without worrying about excessive noise while the sound system feeds into the room with a dedicated volume control to ensure you are still a part of the worship experience.  The church has invested in this room making it a really child friendly environment. There is a ball pool, slide and toy kitchen as well as lots of toys for all ages – all clearly marked with a recommended age. This room is available during all church activities and can also be hired by external groups but we please ask that all crèche users please leave the room tidy and safe for the next users.



Junior church

This groups meets most Sundays (not the first Sunday in a month nor school holidays).


Children have the chance to explore issues of faith in a way that is relevant to them. Children get involved in interactive bible stories, play games, sing songs, and do craft activities. We think it’s important that children understand they are a valued part of the wider community, so we join with the whole church for the first 20 mins of the service (or the last on the third Sunday of the month for communion).


We also have monthly family services which the whole family is invited to explore the Bible as one. Children remain throughout in all age worship service with the adults where there are banner and flags to dance with, musical instruments to play and often quizzes and videos as part of the service.


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