​Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
- Psalm 150
Sundays - 10:45am
All are welcome to our Sunday Service which starts at 10:45am and finishes at 12:00pm. Whether you have a lot of faith, a little faith or no faith at all but just want to sit and listen that’s fine, you are very welcome!
Our worship is diverse in style with guest leaders regularly attending to lend their own approach to the proceedings. Sometimes there is music, dance and drama; sometimes there is reflection and quiet; sometimes there are quizzes and videos, sometimes we talk and sometimes we listen but always we seek to grow in our relationship with Jesus.
Please stay and join us for a hot drink, biscuits and chat after the service. If you are visiting we'd love it if you signed our visitors book.
Junior Church
We want to make church an enjoyable and enriching experience for all children and those who come with them!
We have a full Junior Church programme where stories of the bible are explored interactively through art, craft, games and play for all ages. Children are invited early in the service by dedicated leaders to Junior Church where the children's activities take place.
Several times a year Junior Church actually takes over and leads the Sunday Worship, on these Sundays anything can happen - you've been warned!
The 1st Sunday of the month is our All Age Service where we worship together. The children to stay with us during the whole of the Service for a message tailored for all regardless of age therefore there is no Junior Church on these weeks.
For younger children, toddlers and babies there is a purpose built, fully equipped creche where parents and carers can be with their children but still have access to the service. The creche looks into the chapel through double glazed windows and has both an audio and visual feed of the ongoing service so the younger ones can make as much noise as they like while the adults can follow the service.
We celebrate communion during worship on the 3rd Sunday of each month. We have an open communion policy where anyone who wishes to partake in this may do so.
Grapes are available for anyone who doesn’t want to take full communion. For any children or adults who would rather take communion in this way, two grapes are offered, one to eat with the bread and one with the wine.
Babies who are too young for grapes will be offered a blessing while Communion is being served.
Dress Code?
Some like to put on their ‘Sunday best’ suit and tie, some wear cultural dress, others like to come in jeans and a t-shirt. Superman costume - seen it, Gothic clothing - bring it on! All are equally welcome.
Please come wearing whatever makes you feel comfortable. There are no strict rules; we will treat you the same if you are dressed in designer gear or are clothed in rags; we want to get to know the real you and accept you as you are so please don’t feel like you need to put on a costume to fit in.
Hearing & Seeing
We try to make it very easy for everyone to hear, see and participate in worship. A full audio and visual system is active throughout the service with the use of microphones, multiple loudspeakers and large TV display screens.
Words for all songs appear on the screens located around the church but hymn books are available (including large print) if you prefer.
For those who wear a hearing aid; there is a sound loop operational in the church, including the chapel and concourse.