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May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD


We often produce content which may be recordings of our services, videos or multimedia versions of our Sunday Worship to share with those who are unable to make it to church on a Sunday. Feel free to look through what we have posted here and let us know if there is anything that particularly touches you!  

Message In A Bottle

Sometimes we ask others for something or we ask God in prayer. The message we get back is not always the message we expect to hear. Reflecting on this, Keith talks about this today.

Worship & Praise

The Bible says that God inhabits the praise of His People. There’s something powerful when we declare who God is and what He has done for us. God has been faithful to us and we can’t stay silent.

Taking a packed lunch

"Do not look for food that spoils but for food that endures into eternal life" - this may be a promise of the Holy Spirit that will walk alongside us as we do God’s work - walking in the light - even if that is sometimes difficult and dark. This week we reflect on the feeding of the five thousand.

Hero or Villain

Hero of the light or villain of the dark-side; is it clear cut if our leaders are all good or all bad? Today we read about King David committing what we must see as a dark deed. It is a story of betrayal and abuse of power by a King who was looked up to as a great man in his public life. In his private life, however, he was not so scrupulous.

Division & Unity

Where are our shepherds today? In fact, who are our shepherds in this day and age? How are they doing? Can we trust them? Do they try to bring harmony for the good of all or do they fuel divisions and seek to benefit themselves. These are not new questions for they have been asked for many generations as we will find out today.

Whose Rules Rule?

Today we learn how the prophet Amos gets into trouble as his prophecies displease the ruling elite.
The message from the Lord is not heeded and shows the tension between the
ruler in heaven and ruler on earth. ‘ Whose rules rule?’


Reflecting on the journey to Santiago de Compostela it may be said that there are 3 paths to God; the path of pain, the path of pleasure and the path of prayer. Today we hear the story from someone who has walked those paths.


The theme for today is “giving” and also of course “taking” because it matters a great deal what we do with our gifts and those things we take from those around us.


It is said that prayer is an honest conversation with God, you come as you are; your thoughts, your attitude, disappointments, sometimes anger, sometimes happiness – you come in one way and leave another. Payer changes your personal atmosphere. His desire is to know us, and He wants us to have a relationship with him – it starts with prayer.

Mustard Seeds

It’s fascinating to see how bulbs and seeds that are planted and hidden for months suddenly produce little green sprouts and turn into beautiful flowers - without us doing anything. The soil provides plenty of nutrition, rain provides the water - and it seems the little bulb knows what to do all by itself. Today we hear Jesus talk about the Kingdom of God being like a mustard seed.

Faith, Hope & Love

Today you are invited to the LUFC Restaurant. We will be serving 3 mains; Love, Hope and Joy. Enjoy, sit back and relax.

Trinity Sunday

Today is the first Sunday after Pentecost and is Trinity Sunday, it is unique in the church calendar in that this is the only celebration of a doctrine rather than an event in its history. It is dedicated to the Christian belief in the Trinity – God The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.


Today is Pentecost.
Jesus was foretold, Jesus came, Jesus died, Jesus rose back to life, Jesus ascended to heaven.
The disciples are now alone, perhaps they are afraid, confused or unsure.
The Holy Spirit comes to revive and bring hope. To remind that God is with us. To reaffirm what is written and make it relevant for the here and now.

AGM Service

Today we look back and reflect on the past year (2020) as we meet for our AGM service.

And his commandments are not a burden

Love each other - simple right? But equally perhaps the most profound thing that you could think of and a reflection that we have put 2000 years of complicating theology around this simple metaphysical message.

The Message Is Simple

No matter who you are; man or woman or other, black, brown or white, no matter what country you are from, you can hear the Message, you can be baptised and saved and you can rejoice.

The Good Shepherd

“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me……” We are asked to follow in Jesus' footsteps. How will we be inspired to follow the example set by Jesus as we live our lives here in 2021 and beyond?

The people are the church!

We would all agree that whatever we do it must not harm other people and if we love the world and it’s people we would not wish them any harm.

Don’t give up

Remember, Life doesn’t happen to us, it happens for us, don’t give up. God has got your back.

Be someone’s strength, be someone’s inspiration, be someone’s reason to never give up.

He Is Risen

Today, our Jesus has risen - we are resurrected, we are given new life - we are reborn; a new creature in Christ. Let us today accept our liberation from sin and death, and step out born again of The Spirit in Christ because He paid the price for us, forever.

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, probably the most solemn day in the Christian calendar yet we still call it good. This is because though the events of the day we remember today are dark, the significance of that which occurred ultimately ended up for the good of all people.

Palm Sunday

Our relationship with God should not be one of boom and bust. Rather than shouting "Hosanna "one minute, then screaming “Crucify Him!” the next, contentment is found by learning to live with God, by accepting what he sends our way.

Unless a grain of wheat falls

You are full of amazing potential. Looking at John 12: 20-33 we look at how that is released.

Mothering Sunday

It should probably be Mother’s Day 365 days a year to pay tribute to how awesome they and carers are, it’s good to have a day like this to put mothers in the spotlight.

Signs, Wisdom or Faith

Simon reflects on themes connecting the short comings of just searching for miraculous signs or relying on human wisdom, and contrasts these with the true way of the cross.

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