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Therefore encourage one another and build one another up

An Active Church

There are many regular activities that go on at Leytonstone United Free Church during the week, these include those that are organised by the church itself and also those that are run by other groups who use our varied facilities.


Our activities are not intended solely for the benefit of our members but an open invitation is extended to all who have an interest in what we do.  


Some of our activities are focused on building friendships with those who live, work or just pass through our neighbourhood offering a space to  come and share the ups and downs of life while other activities serve the community around us.   


Café 55

Café 55 is our community café based in the downstairs concourse of the church, every Friday term time.


Open from 10:30am – 12:30pm it offers a relaxed, informal space for local people to gather in a friendly environment with a fair-trade, organic cup of coffee or tea.


It is the perfect place to stop by for a chat or to bring young children to as we have a creche room full of toys that really do need playing with. We have a well-stocked book exchange where you can pick up a book and leave one for someone else.



Baby Yoga

For babies over 10 weeks and their adults.

Friday 10.30-11.30 (term time)

Cost: £4


Baby Yoga are simple movements for you and your baby to gently stretch and songs to raise our spirits.
This combination creates a more contented and better co-ordinated baby. Baby yoga when used at home every day creates a strong bond between a song and a mood which can be a useful tool for all parents and carers.


All funds raised are donated to the charity Mat-to-fore working in Ghana to run a preschool.


More information on Simon’s website:




The Table

The Table is our monthly youth discipleship group for those in school years 6-11 meeting on the third Sunday of the month.


It is an informal, friendly group who gather at the minister’s house, around the kitchen table as family, sharing food, life and Jesus with each other.



For more information please contact Gemma via the church office or email her via



Living Well

Living Well is a social group that meets on Wednesday afternoons 3.00pm - 4.30pm (except at school holiday times) at Leytonstone United Free Church.


Each week has its own theme so you can come to all or just the ones that interest you most.  We would love you to come and meet us!


Themes include: The Soul (a short christian worship followed by fellowship); Games Sessions (scrabble, Rumi club, card and other board games; Heart (Guest Speakers tell us stories about their life and work and share the things about which they are passionate); Keep Fit: (including  yoga classes with sitting-down versions for those with restricted movement, and gentle stretches to improve your flexibility).

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