Watch & Listen
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD

Taking a packed lunch
"Do not look for food that spoils but for food that endures into eternal life" - this may be a promise of the Holy Spirit that will walk alongside us as we do God’s work - walking in the light - even if that is sometimes difficult and dark. This week we reflect on the feeding of the five thousand.

Hero or Villain
Hero of the light or villain of the dark-side; is it clear cut if our leaders are all good or all bad? Today we read about King David committing what we must see as a dark deed. It is a story of betrayal and abuse of power by a King who was looked up to as a great man in his public life. In his private life, however, he was not so scrupulous.

Division & Unity
Where are our shepherds today? In fact, who are our shepherds in this day and age? How are they doing? Can we trust them? Do they try to bring harmony for the good of all or do they fuel divisions and seek to benefit themselves. These are not new questions for they have been asked for many generations as we will find out today.

It is said that prayer is an honest conversation with God, you come as you are; your thoughts, your attitude, disappointments, sometimes anger, sometimes happiness – you come in one way and leave another. Payer changes your personal atmosphere. His desire is to know us, and He wants us to have a relationship with him – it starts with prayer.

Mustard Seeds
It’s fascinating to see how bulbs and seeds that are planted and hidden for months suddenly produce little green sprouts and turn into beautiful flowers - without us doing anything. The soil provides plenty of nutrition, rain provides the water - and it seems the little bulb knows what to do all by itself. Today we hear Jesus talk about the Kingdom of God being like a mustard seed.

Today is Pentecost.
Jesus was foretold, Jesus came, Jesus died, Jesus rose back to life, Jesus ascended to heaven.
The disciples are now alone, perhaps they are afraid, confused or unsure.
The Holy Spirit comes to revive and bring hope. To remind that God is with us. To reaffirm what is written and make it relevant for the here and now.
Alternative Layout

Taking a packed lunch
"Do not look for food that spoils but for food that endures into eternal life" - this may be a promise of the Holy Spirit that will walk alongside us as we do God’s work - walking in the light - even if that is sometimes difficult and dark. This week we reflect on the feeding of the five thousand.

Hero or Villain
Hero of the light or villain of the dark-side; is it clear cut if our leaders are all good or all bad? Today we read about King David committing what we must see as a dark deed. It is a story of betrayal and abuse of power by a King who was looked up to as a great man in his public life. In his private life, however, he was not so scrupulous.

Division & Unity
Where are our shepherds today? In fact, who are our shepherds in this day and age? How are they doing? Can we trust them? Do they try to bring harmony for the good of all or do they fuel divisions and seek to benefit themselves. These are not new questions for they have been asked for many generations as we will find out today.

It is said that prayer is an honest conversation with God, you come as you are; your thoughts, your attitude, disappointments, sometimes anger, sometimes happiness – you come in one way and leave another. Payer changes your personal atmosphere. His desire is to know us, and He wants us to have a relationship with him – it starts with prayer.

Mustard Seeds
It’s fascinating to see how bulbs and seeds that are planted and hidden for months suddenly produce little green sprouts and turn into beautiful flowers - without us doing anything. The soil provides plenty of nutrition, rain provides the water - and it seems the little bulb knows what to do all by itself. Today we hear Jesus talk about the Kingdom of God being like a mustard seed.

Today is Pentecost.
Jesus was foretold, Jesus came, Jesus died, Jesus rose back to life, Jesus ascended to heaven.
The disciples are now alone, perhaps they are afraid, confused or unsure.
The Holy Spirit comes to revive and bring hope. To remind that God is with us. To reaffirm what is written and make it relevant for the here and now.
We often produce content which may be recordings of our services, videos or multimedia versions of our Sunday Worship to share with those who are unable to make it to church on a Sunday. Feel free to look through what we have posted here and let us know if there is anything that particularly touches you!
Layout Option 1