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Free Church

Radically Welcoming All Who Seek The Lord

We are an inclusive church seeking to worship God, follow Jesus and love the world.


"We do not discriminate in any way on grounds of age or physical ability, nationality or colour, economic power, gender, sexuality or mental health. We believe in a church that welcomes and serves everyone in the name of Jesus Christ, that is scripturally faithful, seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation, and in the power of the Holy Spirit allows all people to grasp how wide and long, and high and deep is the love of God."

Leytonstone United Free Church

Sunday Worship Strip
Crowd Gathering

News & Events

Latest news about what we are up to and upcoming events and celebrations.

Hand Pile of Happy Group

Groups & Activities

Weekly activities which are run either by us or fiends of the church.

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Enjoying the Nature

Inspire Me

Looking for a little inspiration? Find peace here with some selected meditations.

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